Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Scratching the Surface

I have to admit, this is pretty darn cool, and can be seen here. Imagine the possibilities of Microsoft could replace black/whiteboards at schools, we could have GUI's on our bathroom walls, we could have a cool ambiance glowing from a coffee table during a party. Forget coloring books or sketchpads for our children, tell them to go play on the Surface!

Yet I wonder how durable it is. Can I put food on it? A glass of ice-cold water without a coaster or worry of condensation ruining my latest purchase? How easily is it scratched? Would a simple bump break it?

I'll give it about a decade, perhaps less, to catch on and grow in popularity. Chances are that Mac will come out with a better product soon. As with all new products, it will take a while to work out all of the bugs and kinks.


TC said...

How did you find this? That was pretty bloody cool.

When do you think we'll see it at the consumer level? 5 years or something? or longer?

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Cookie said...

Hey Bill! Didn't know you were on Blogger... and yet I feel like I've seen this blog linked on other blogs. Interesting.

And that Surface thing is really, REALLY cool.